What local leaders are saying

Ali. S

There is one question that we all have to answer repeatedly until the end of the world: Who is Christ? The Council of Nicaea provided a clear answer to this question for the entire Christian world: True God from true God. Hearing about Christ 1700 years later, in the same land, from various renowned theologians, will undoubtedly be an unforgettable experience. As a Turkish Christian, I am truly excited.

Mehmet U.

"When I first heard about this conference, I got chills. It's a fantastic idea. I'm incredibly happy to be able to witness this unique time with great speakers and guests. As a Christian living in Turkey, this gathering gives me great courage and makes me feel that I'm not alone. I'm eagerly looking forward to this meeting."

Çınar A.

I am so excited for this conference that will not just enable us to remember how much Christian heritage we have in our country through these scholars and servant leaders in this significant event but also have an opportunity to gather together as local brothers and sisters to pray for sound doctrine and faithful lives to our Triune God as the Nicaean Creed declared.


What the sponsorship include:

  • Includes all conference sessions.
  • Includes Nicea Day-Trip.
  • Includes all meals.
  • Includes hotel on-site or within a 10-minute walk from venue
  • Includes a full set of the 9Marks Building Healthy Churches series in Turkish 

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